Historically Themed Act
Perfect for Parades and Science Festivals
About the Walk/Driveabout
Behold the Time Machine; an incredible piece of eccentric engineering. Let Professor Weft and Miss Warp, our two intrepid Victorian time travellers, show you their box of cosmic secrets. Originally from 1888 they will be astounded to hear from you what the latest inventions of today are. Hear the sound of the universe, learn how long a piece of cosmic string is and even what the winning lottery numbers are going to be!*
* Numbers may not be correct for this universe, or even this country. Arnold from Ealing won a tenner once, but it was a Lotto in France and he spent more than that on the ferry home…
What to expect
The two performers drive about in their amazing contraption, a H. G. Wells-style Time Machine. They stop to interact with the captivated crowds and perform a series of time travel/science-themed magic and mind-reading tricks.
We constantly hear people say “Look, the Time Machine, that’s my favourite film!” We can say with confidence we are responsible for a resurgence in DVD sales of this film (maybe). Either way, this brilliant act will create a real talking point and the perfect photo opportunity at any event.

How to Book
Book now by clicking the button to go back in time with these two bonkers boffins. Don’t miss out on the chance to discover the secrets of the universe, see a parlour trick or two and other immemorial madness.

Thank you very much for your amazing performances of Time Trouble at Seven Stories. You held the whole audience (young and old alike) spellbound throughout the show as they followed the thrilling antics of Ms Warp and Professor Weft! Many parents told us that their youngest children had never given their full attention to anything for 45 minutes before, but yet they were completely captivated by the whole performance! We felt it was the perfect combination of circus skills and acrobatics combined with a really entertaining wander through history.
The act was great, we had lots of positive feedback about it and you featured on the front page of the Surrey Advertiser.